Thursday, March 13, 2008

twiki utf8

two years ago i made (successfully) twiki 4 installation with utf-8 (one source modification required). but last week i couldn't make another utf-8 installation from twiki 4.2.


  1. changing configuration parameters is not enough for unicode twiki installation. in my case, for correct handling utf-8 data, received from user, three .pm files required changes: lib/TWiki/{Save,View,Edit}.pm

  2. for correct view within TinyMCE editor i had to make another change for correct handling javascript escaped unicode (from module URI::Escape::JavaScript)

  3. due to stupid TinyMCE document fetch realization (whole tml document inside html escapes two times and sends to server and retrieves in html) documents appear to be trimmed (similar in safari and firefox)

  4. one document after editing and saving made my perl crazy: it launches with 100% cpu load and continues for 60 seconds, until apache kills it

for me twiki is dead. from my point of view, twiki and similar systems should be configured to utf-8 as default, because it allows any people write in any language. i can fix some issues, but many people can't.